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Jumpstart your career and find your passion at our Adult Education Open House on May 21

Person caring for a dog
Student in a 澳门六合图库 Adult Education Pet Grooming class.

Looking to advance your skills or start a new career? Come to the 澳门六合图库 Adult Education open house on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Joseph M. Barry Career and Technical Education Center at 1196 Prospect Avenue in Westbury.

From entry-level job training to advanced skills classes, Adult Education offers comprehensive programs that can help you achieve your goals. We can train you to become a veterinary technician, auto technician, plumber, electrician, welder, hair stylist, dental or medical assistant, phlebotomist, and more. Registration for our Fall 2024 classes opens on June 3, so come explore our state-of-the-art classrooms and speak to staff about course content, career advice and class registration. Advance registration is not required and all are welcome to attend.

Please visit  for a complete list of available programs.