October 2021 Meeting


  • A Virtual Check-in: Bring lunch and check-in with a super-fun Halloween activity!

    Virtual Professional Development Using Glide: Garden City Public Schools Technology Staff Developer Lauren Maguire will share how Garden City was able to implement a successful virtual professional development program using Glide.

    Instructional Technology Plans: Barbara and I are your faithful RIC Reviewers who will provide a comprehensive overview of the Instructional Technology Plan (ITP) submission process. We recommend the person designated to complete the ITP attend this session.

    Open Forum/Breakouts: Ask questions and find solutions when you meet in breakout rooms based on your district roles and responsibilities:

    1. Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduling Solutions
    2. NIST CSF (because it was so popular last time)
    3. Secure Methods for Sharing PII



    Virtual Professional Development Using Glide

    Resources for 2022-2025 Instructional Technology Plan