
Social Studies

Social Studies

How to Help Your Child be Culturally Responsive

Parents of Students in Grades K-12
We all want our children to feel welcome and accepted in school. Research shows us that children who see school as a safe place are more likely to be successful. Creating this type of school culture cannot be achieved without involvement from parents. In this class, we will discuss the importance of creating a culturally responsive school environment and how you, as parents, can support this goal.
Social Studies

Raising a Generation of Good Citizens

Parents of Students in Grades K-12
Teaching our children what it means to be a good citizen is one of the most important parts of maintaining our democracy. Beginning at an early age, children need to understand how and why to be informed and involved members of society. In this class we will discuss how to promote positive behavior that will engage your child to be civic minded.
Social Studies

Understanding Regents Level Social Studies

Parents of Students in Grades 7-11
Social Studies classes have changed what success looks like. Students no longer need to simply memorize facts and dates. Social Studies instruction now requires children to think analytically about the events of the past, make connections, and explain information in a more sophisticated way. These skills are requirements on the Global 10 and US History Regents exams. In this class, you will learn how Social Studies education has changed, and what skills your child will need to be successful.
Social Studies

Build a Time Capsule with your Child

Parents of Students in Grades 3-5
This class will walk parents through the steps to build a time capsule at home. This fun activity is a great way to teach your child that they are living history