

SEL - Session 1

Shaping a Shared Understanding of SEL

Social emotional learning (SEL) is a movement that has a long history and is now being recognized as a critical ingredient for student success in school, work and life. Integrating SEL may teach students skills that will help them personally and academically. In this session, we'll explore the history of social emotional learning and its core competencies, reflect on the assumptions and misconceptions associated with SEL and examine how educators can implement SEL in culturally responsive ways.
SEL - Session 2

Social Emotional Learning: A Guide to Systemic Whole School Implementation

Explore several key factors that contribute to effective, large-scale implementation of SEL. Participants will be offered lessons from the field and invited to analyze district case studies to determine a range of possible approaches and to consider what they can take away for their own context as they begin to plan or continue implementation of SEL schoolwide.
SEL - Session 3

Creating a Professional Learning Culture Based on SEL

We will explore how adults in education can begin to understand and recognize self-awareness related to implicit bias and social awareness to better understand the perspectives of others. Through a review of transformative SEL, we will continue deepening our understanding of the CASEL Core Competencies to promote and leverage equity and promote personal growth. This deepening awareness contributes to healthier culture and climate of schools, and the overall professional learning community.
SEL - Session 4

Practical and Achievable SEL Practices in the Classroom

In this session, we will be exploring ways we can purposefully and practically check in with our students well-being, social-emotional skills and classroom experiences.
SEL - Session 5

SEL in Leadership

In this session, we will be exploring strategies for prosocial leaders who model best practices in social emotional wellness and ensure that all school stakeholders feel safe, cared for, respected and valued.