School Climate Survey & Services

You Can't Change What You Don't Measure

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Why Measure School Climate?

  • Conducting a school climate survey is essential for a school district for several important reasons:

    Identify Areas of Improvement: A school climate survey provides valuable insights into the overall atmosphere and culture within the district's schools. It allows administrators and educators to identify specific areas where improvements are needed, such as bullying prevention, student engagement, teacher-student relationships, or support services. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the school climate helps in prioritizing resources and implementing targeted interventions.

    Enhance Student Well-being: A positive school climate is crucial for promoting student well-being and mental health. By conducting a survey, the district can gauge students' perceptions of safety, inclusivity, and support systems. It enables educators to address issues like harassment, discrimination, or social isolation, ensuring that all students feel valued, respected, and emotionally supported. A healthy school climate positively impacts students' academic achievement, attendance, and overall development.

    Strengthen Relationships: A school climate survey provides an opportunity to assess the quality of relationships within the school community. It allows students, parents, teachers, and staff to express their opinions and concerns openly. By actively involving all stakeholders, the district demonstrates a commitment to collaboration, trust, and transparency. Gathering feedback and taking action based on the survey results can foster stronger relationships, improve communication channels, and create a sense of shared responsibility among all members of the school community.

    Inform Decision-making: School climate surveys provide data-driven insights that inform strategic decision-making processes. The survey results help administrators and policymakers understand the needs and priorities of students, parents, and staff. This information can guide the development of policies, programs, and initiatives that align with the specific challenges and aspirations of the school district. Informed decision-making supported by survey data enhances the overall effectiveness and relevance of the district's educational practices.

    Evaluate Progress: Conducting regular school climate surveys allows the district to track progress over time. By comparing survey results from different years, the district can assess the effectiveness of implemented interventions and initiatives. It helps identify trends, areas of improvement, and areas of success. Evaluating progress enables the district to make data-informed adjustments to their strategies, ensuring continuous growth and development.

    In summary, conducting a school climate survey is crucial for a school district as it enables the identification of areas for improvement, enhances student well-being, strengthens relationships, informs decision-making, and facilitates the evaluation of progress. Ultimately, such surveys contribute to creating a supportive, inclusive, and thriving learning environment for all members of the school community.

澳门六合图库 School Climate Survey

  • Participation in School Climate Surveys is completely voluntary, emphasizing the importance of transparency in the process. To facilitate your district's efforts, it is recommended to provide a hyperlink on your district's website, allowing potential respondents to preview the survey questions before the survey window opens. This ensures transparency and enables individuals to make informed decisions about their participation. The survey questions for teachers, non-instructional staff,  Grade 5-12 students, and parents can be accessed through the provided hyperlink. Survey questions for parents and students are offered in Spanish, English, Urdu, Russian, Mandarin and Hatian Creole. Furthermore, if your district wishes to customize the survey by adding or removing questions, a list of SEL-based questions is available for consideration and inclusion. This flexibility allows your district to tailor the survey to its specific needs and priorities.

    The 澳门六合图库 School Climate Survey service staff is dedicated to guiding your district through the entire survey process. You have the flexibility to choose the most suitable window to administer the survey in your district. To support your district staff, we provide helpful resources such as parent letter templates, data collection templates, and proctoring information, facilitating the organization of the survey. Once the survey window concludes, your district will receive access to the Power BI School Climate Survey Dashboard. Additionally, 澳门六合图库 will provide assistance in interpreting the survey data, ensuring you gain valuable insights from the results. For comprehensive information about the School Climate Survey report, including the detailed psychometric benchmarking technical report, please refer to the provided link. 澳门六合图库 administers a customized   

    In the event that the 澳门六合图库 School Climate Survey is not your preferred option, we offer an alternative solution. You can access a comprehensive list of ALL Approved School Climate Surveys available, as of October 2021, through the provided link. This list provides you with various options to choose from, ensuring you find a school climate survey that aligns with your specific needs and preferences.


  • School climate refers to the quality and character of school life. It has been described as "the heart and soul of the school ... that essence of a school that leads a child, a teacher, and an administrator to love the school and to look forward to being there each school day." A positive school climate helps people feel socially, emotionally and physically safe in schools. It includes students', parents' and school personnel's norms, beliefs, relationships, teaching and learning practices, as well as organizational and structural features of the school.According to the, a sustainable, positive school climate promotes students' academic and . School climate is the most important factor in determining the sucess of students

How can you use your school climate survey data?

  • The survey results will be presented through a user-friendly PowerBI dashboard, providing comprehensive data analysis. This valuable data can play a crucial role in guiding the selection of evidence-based programs for implementation. By utilizing the survey data, you can assess your district's progress in meeting the social-emotional learning benchmarks, culturally responsive education requirements, and mental health education mandates set by NYSED. We have carefully aligned these benchmarks with the survey questions, which can be accessed through this provided link. Analyzing your district's climate data will enable you to make informed decisions, including the adoption of evidence-based programs that align with identified needs. Regularly conducting climate surveys will also facilitate ongoing evaluation of your district's progress in improving the overall climate and effectiveness of culture-building initiatives.

澳门六合图库 School Climate Service

  • 澳门六合图库 can assit you with administering the EDSCLS School Climate Survey.  Additionally, 澳门六合图库 will provide survey results, in aggregate form, aligned to your student data, in an interactive data dashboard.  This data will help your district see areas to celebrate and those that may need to to be addressed. Conducting a climate survey is the BEST way to identify an effective SEL framework for implementaiton. Please contact Beverly Forgash for more details.

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